
Showing posts from February, 2018

What we think of the Disney PhotoPass Memory Maker

Hey Everybody! I hope you've been getting your dose of Vitamin D(isney)! If you're anything like us, you're itching to plan your next trip it Disney World. The whole process can be overwhelming and the extra add-ons they offer at check out can be confusing. What is actually worth the extra money? Will it add something valuable to our overall experience? Well when we were planning our trip in 2016, we decided to purchase one of these add-ons. We purchased the Disney PhotoPass Memory Maker and here are the deets: The Memory Maker option adds $169.00 to your overall vacation price. It sounds super pricey but if you like having pictures and lack the photography skills that will result in nice pictures (like me) then this is ABSOLUTELY worth it. The way it works is that you make the purchase then you link the item to your magic band (or park ticket if you didn't get a magic band). Then everything else works like magic 🎇 you get immediate access to photos from the park

Our Travel Bucket List

Does anyone else have trouble narrowing down all the places you want to travel? The world has so many amazing places to offer but life only allows for so much traveling when you work an eight to five desk job. Lately, I've found that I have too many places I want to see and go and not enough time to do it all. As Belle says "I want adventure in the great wide somewhere" and I'm determined to accomplish that. I was fortunate enough to knock some of these places off during College and for that, I will always be thankful. Honestly, I think that is where my true desire to travel started. Obviously seeing the world was something I always that would be nice...but then I went to Ireland and Panama. It was after these two trips that I knew I had to see as much of the world as possible.                                                                           Ireland!! Panama!! Seriously you guys, if you EVER have the opportunity to travel to t
Happy Friday lovely people! Hope y'all are still feeling that lovin feeling from Valentine's Day because I'm diving into our wedding story! So settle in, get comfy and grab some popcorn because this may take awhile. After we got engaged, it was clear to me that Disney just HAD to be incorporated into our big day. The original dream (since I was about 16) was to get married on Disney property. However, our budget and family logistics had other ideas, but I would not change a single thing about our big day. I was determined to give our wedding a Disney vibe right here in the state of Texas. We got married on August 5, 2017, at Magnolia Bells near Houston, Texas. This place was an absolute dream. The venue is set back amongst these beautiful trees. When constructing the sight, they tried to leave as many trees as possible. It just made the venue feel so secluded and romantic. The ceremony location is a breathtaking chapel with an old bell up in the steeple that they ring as
Hello there and welcome to my blog! I want to start by saying thank you so much for making your way to my blog. With so many blogs out in the world, it means a lot that you are checking out mine. A little bit about me and why I am starting this blog..... My name is Ryann and I am a Disney FANATIC. Seriously, anything Disney and I am there. But outside of this fact, I am a recently married college graduate. I am married to the love of my life whom I met when I was just 13 years old. This man is my best friend and I am so happy that I get to call him my prince. Growing up, Disney always meant something to me. Disney movies were fun, vibrant, and let's be real: they will always teach you a new lesson each time you watch them. Then, when I was a senior in High School, my Girl Scout Troop took a trip to Disney World. It was three days of pure bliss. Then on the last day, we were watching Wishes (which ALWAYS made me tear up) when I began watching the couple in front of me...something