Hello there and welcome to my blog! I want to start by saying thank you so much for making your way to my blog. With so many blogs out in the world, it means a lot that you are checking out mine. A little bit about me and why I am starting this blog.....

My name is Ryann and I am a Disney FANATIC. Seriously, anything Disney and I am there. But outside of this fact, I am a recently married college graduate. I am married to the love of my life whom I met when I was just 13 years old. This man is my best friend and I am so happy that I get to call him my prince. Growing up, Disney always meant something to me. Disney movies were fun, vibrant, and let's be real: they will always teach you a new lesson each time you watch them. Then, when I was a senior in High School, my Girl Scout Troop took a trip to Disney World. It was three days of pure bliss. Then on the last day, we were watching Wishes (which ALWAYS made me tear up) when I began watching the couple in front of me...something seemed to be happening.There was a stirring, he seemed so nervous. I soon found out why. Underneath the spectacular, tear-inducing firework show the man got down on one knee and proposed. It was probably the single MOST romantic moment I have ever witnessed. After the show, I felt the unquenchable need to track down the couple. And thus I did, amongst the busy Disney crowds I tracked the couple down and congratulated them with tears in my eyes. If by some crazy Disney magic this couple ends up on this page all I have to say is thank you! Your proposal had nothing to do with me in the slightest but I think about it often. There was a shift for me that night. Disney began to mean something different to me. It wasn't just something special from my childhood. It began to represent love, hope, passion and pure happiness.

Then, two years ago,  the single most romantic moment of MY life happened, my prince proposed to me at the Happiest Place on Earth. After 9 years together, this was an unbelievable feeling. We had just eaten lunch at Belle's Castle (which if you haven't eaten there, I strongly recommend you do. The experience is unbelievable) and were walking towards the castle to, as far as I knew, take a picture. Much to the frustration of my (now) husband the Mickey's Royal Friendship Faire was going on. I did not understand his frustration in the moment because the Friendship Faire is fun to watch and I was just happy to be there but it soon came to light as to why. When Austin proposed, he leaned in and whispered in my ear "You know you're my princess, right?" just thinking about it still gives me goosebumps.
Everyone says that Disney World is a place where dreams come true and I always knew and believed that...but after that day the obsession grew. So, now that you know a little bit more about me and WHY Disney means so much to me, I hope you will follow along as I start my blogging journey. 

On this blog I will be sharing not only stories of my Disney excursions but also Disney merch that I love and I incorporate a little bit of magic into my everyday adulthood life. My husband and I have the goal to travel the world before we start the journey that is called parenthood and whether we do the through Disney Vacations or on our own guises, I am excited to share what lies ahead. 


  1. I loved having the memory maker for our trip! It was worth every penny for such a special trip.


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